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Legal Constitution of Common Home of Humanity

Rui Duarte Silva/Expresso

On the 24h September 2019, two years and 3 months after the constitution of the Steering Committee of Common Home of Humanity, the Ceremony of the constitutive act of the new legal person Common Home of Humanity, took place on the Rectory of University of Porto. Al the Founders were present, and Prof. Will Steffen give a talk about The Earth System, the Anthropocene and Planetary Boundaries.

Abstract: The Earth System is changing rapidly due to human activities, primarily the combustion of greenhouse gases and the degradation of the biosphere. The changes are so pronounced that the Earth System has been pushed out of the Holocene geological epoch and into a new epoch called the Anthropocene. The advent of the Anthropocene creates large risks for the wellbeing of humans into the future. The scientific community has developed a framework – the planetary boundaries – for guiding human activities towards a stable, Holocene-like state of the Earth System, but staying within the planetary boundaries presents very large challenges to humanity. The Common Home for Humanity framework offers an excellent framework for meeting this challenge.

The construction of our Common Home officially began.



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