On the 15h July 2016, it was signed a protocol between the Portuguese Ministry of Environment, the Municipality of Porto, the University of Porto (UP) and the NGO, ZERO – Sustainable Earth System Association, with the aim of establishing the Steering Committee of Common Home of Humanity. This committee should work to create the conditions for the establishment of a new legal person, - the future Common Home of Humanity – that should have two strategic objectives:
1 - To lead to the legal recognition of the "Safe Operation Space for Humanity", as a new legal object of international law. For this purpose, CCH must make available all scientific, legal and economic evidence necessary to support the recognition of the favourable state of the Earth System - having as reference the geological period of the Holocene - as a Natural Intangible Common Heritage of Humanity.
2 - To promote and support implementation of a new evidence-based accounting system for the impacts on the Terrestrial System, based on scientific evidence, with a view to the protection of its favourable state and promotion of its governance.
The direction of a long pathway was drawn.